Support SWACDA

Many Opportunities Available to Support SWACDA


  • Sponsor an Early Career Director
  • Sponsor an Honor Choir Singer
  • Sponsor a Reception
  • Sponsor the “Big Sing” Sharing Concert
  • Sponsor a Community Outreach Project
  • Make a donation toward any of these worthy projects

Empowering Voices: Support the SWACDA Honor Choir Singer Scholarship Program

At SWACDA, we believe that every voice deserves a chance to be heard and nurtured. That’s why we’re excited to continue the Honor Choir Singer Scholarship Program, designed to support talented young singers in pursuing their passion for choral music.

Sponsor an Honor Choir Singer

Your generosity can help transform the lives of a young singer and enrich the choral community.


Empowering Voices: Support the SWACDA Honor Choir Singer Scholarship Program

The Honor Choir Singer Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to exceptional 4th-12th grade singers who have been selected to participate in the prestigious SWACDA Honor Choir. These students demonstrate outstanding musical talent and dedication, and the scholarship helps cover expenses such as registration fees, travel, and accommodation, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their participation.

By supporting this program, you can help us empower these young singers to showcase their talents on a larger stage, gain valuable experience, and connect with other passionate musicians. Your donation will make a meaningful difference in their musical journey and inspire them to continue pursuing excellence in choral music.

Join us in supporting the next generation of choral leaders and performers. Your generosity can help transform the lives of these young singers and enrich the choral community as a whole. To donate to the Honor Choir Singer Scholarship Program, please visit [insert donation link]. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of young musicians and ensure that their voices are heard and celebrated.

Limitless Support  Limitless Opportunities

We invite you to join an initiative to make a lasting impact on the future of choral education. 

Sponsor an Early Career Director

Empower a new director to a Limitless experience at the next SWACDA Conference.


Limitless Support Limitless Opportunities

We are excited to continue the “Limitless Support Limitless Opportunities” Scholarship Fund, which aims to provide financial support to new choir directors who may not have the means to attend a SWACDA Conference. By contributing to this fund, you’ll empower these conductors to a Limitless experience at the next SWACDA Conference.

Here’s why your support matters:

  1. Nurturing Talent: Your contribution will help pre-service and new choir directors in a way  that can significantly impact their careers and the future of choral education. 
  2. Fostering Mentorship: By helping new directors attend the conference, you become an invaluable source of mentorship and guidance, helping them establish connections that can shape their journey for years to come. 
  3. Building Unity: Your support not only empowers individuals but also strengthens the choral community. Together, we can create an environment where every passionate choir director can thrive. 

To donate to the “Limitless Support Limitless Opportunities” Scholarship Fund or learn more about how you can contribute, please visit: Your generous support, no matter the amount, will directly impact the lives of fellow choir directors and enrich the future of choral education. 

If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to share the stories of how attending a conference has shaped your career, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. Your insights and experiences are invaluable in encouraging others to join us in the meaningful endeavor. 

Thank you for considering HOW YOU CAN make a tangible and lasting impact on the choral community IN OUR REGION. Your dedication to choral music continues to inspire us all. a

Make a Difference!

Make a lasting impact on the future of choral education. 

Provide collaboration time for conference attendees.

Be a major contributor to this informal sharing time between performing choirs.

Make a lasting impact on the future of choral education. 

Be an exhibitor at the 2026 conference!