Nathan Wubbena – Children & Community Youth R&R Chair

Building Bridges Through Song: Expanding Community Through Collaboration

Being a music educator can often feel isolating. While we’re surrounded by fellow educators daily, our role differs significantly from that of a typical classroom teacher. We may have colleagues in other musical disciplines—band, orchestra, and beyond—who understand the unique challenges of teaching music, but many of us lack another vocal colleague to exchange ideas with regularly. In smaller schools, a music educator might be the only one in the building—or even the entire district.

Yet, music itself has an incredible power to bring people together. I’ve experienced this firsthand—the people I’ve made music with, from grade school to college and beyond, remain some of my strongest and most enduring relationships. I imagine this is true for many musicians, both amateur and professional, and you’ve likely witnessed it in your own rehearsal spaces. But what if we extended this sense of connection beyond our choirs? Too often, directors remain in their own rehearsal spaces, or even view one another as competitors rather than collaborators. At its core, music is meant to unite, and I believe singing only amplifies this power. 

There are countless opportunities for collaboration across ensembles. In no particular order, here are a few ideas I’ve seen or implemented, along with their benefits:

Bring Your Singers to An Honor Choir

This may seem like an obvious choice, but it perfectly illustrates the power of collaboration. Honor choirs bring together students from diverse backgrounds who share a passion for singing, and the result is almost always transformative. I’ve spoken with countless individuals—some well past retirement—who still reminisce about their honor choir experiences and the lasting impact of those few days. While musical excellence is certainly part of what makes these events special, I believe the deeper magic lies in the sense of community they create. Coming together with others who share a love for singing fosters connections that can last a lifetime.

Connect with Your Feeder Schools

Singer attrition is a challenge at all levels, often occurring when students transition from one director to another. In many cases, this stems from a fear of the unknown, but consistent collaboration between schools can help bridge that gap. One high school colleague of mine regularly visits the middle school to work with students and as a result, sees very little drop-off when they move up to his program.

If regular visits aren’t feasible, consider creating opportunities for younger singers to collaborate with older students. This could be through a combined concert, a shared rehearsal, or even having your advanced choir visit and perform for the younger group. I still remember the awe I felt when my local high school’s jazz choir came to perform for my elementary school. These moments of connection can be powerful motivators, making the next step in a singer’s journey feel exciting rather than intimidating. If you haven’t already established a system for collaboration, I encourage you to put something in place; you may be surprised at the long-term impact.

Perform at Each Other’s Concerts

Collaborating with another choir – whether from a neighboring school, a community ensemble, or otherwise – creates a unique and enriching experience for both singers and audiences. Perform a shared piece together and allow each choir to showcase its own repertoire at both concerts.

I had the opportunity to do this with another high school director from a “rival” school, and the experience was transformative. Our students not only had the chance to perform a piece they couldn’t have tackled alone, but they also built connections with singers they might have otherwise viewed as competitors. It was a powerful reminder for our singers that music has the ability to build bridges rather than walls.

Host a Collaborative Event

This type of event may sound like a heavy lift, but it’s often easier than it seems! I’ve organized collaborations in various formats—at the middle school and high school levels and now with a community choir. While the idea might feel daunting at first, breaking it down into a simple checklist makes it manageable. The key is to keep it straightforward, both for your own sanity and to ensure accessibility for all involved. Here are a few formats I’ve seen work well:

Other Collaborative Ideas

Collaboration doesn’t always have to involve a formal performance. Sometimes, the simplest gestures can create meaningful connections between choirs. Here are a few additional ideas:

No matter the approach, I encourage you to seek out ways to build bridges with other choirs. I’m sure there are even more creative ideas out there, and I’d love to hear them! If you’ve been part of a unique collaboration, please share; I’m always looking for fresh ways to bring musicians together.