2020 SWACDA Conference
Little Rock, Arkansas
Julie Yu, President
SWACDA 2020: Performing Choirs
Camerata Singers of Conway High School – Sam Huskey (Conway, AR)
Cantare Houston – Amy Solberg (Houston, TX)
Cantus of Permian High School – Kenneth Sieloff (Odessa, TX)
Children’s Choir of Texas of Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts – Jackson Hill (Fort Worth, TX)
Chorale of Sam Houston State University – Joshua Bronfman (Huntsville, TX)
Chuncheon City Chorus – Changeun Im (Chuncheon, Korea)
Clements High School Chorale Women – Janet Menzie (Sugarland, TX)
Combined Men’s Choir of Liberty High School – Rika Heruth (Liberty, MO)
Company West of Arvada West High School – Chris Maunu (Arvada, CO)
Concert Chorale of Texas Christian University – Christopher Aspaas (Fort Worth, TX)
Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy Singers – Joel Duarte (Grand Prairie, TX)
Harding University Chorus – Cliff Ganus (Searcy, AR)
mirabai – Sandra Snow (East Lansing, MI)
Pambo Afrika Chorus – Geoffrey Mukoto (Nairobi, Kenya)
Plano East Concert Choir of Plano East Senior High School – Daniel Knight (Plano, TX)
Prairie View A&M University Concert Chorale – A. Jan Taylor (Prairie View, TX)
Schola Cantorum of University of Arkansas – Stephen Caldwell (Fayetteville, AR)
The Standard Vocal Jazz Ensemble of Kansas City Kansas Community College – John Stafford (Kansas City, KS)
University of Arkansas Inspirational Chorale – Jeffrey Murdock (Fayetteville, AR)
University of Denver Lamont Chorale – Catherine Sailer (Denver, CO)
University of Missouri – Paul Crabb (Columbia, MO)
The University Singers of Oklahoma City University – Tony Gonzalez (Oklahoma City, OK)
Varsity Women of Garcia Middle School – Kelsey Appleby (Houston, TX)
Women’s Choir of Stephen F. Austin University – Tod Fish (Nacogdoches, TX)
Young Voices of Colorado – Jena Dickey (Englewood, CO)
SWACDA 2022: Interest Sessions
Jonathan Babcock (TX) Between the Beats: Are you really showing what you want?
Ryan Beeken (KS) Seeing 20/20: Repertoire choice matters
Stephen Caldwell (AR) Florence B Price: The life and choral works of a Little Rock Native
Dustin Cates (PA) Everyone’s Song: Gender-inclusive choral programs
Carolyn Cruse and Andrew Kagumba (TX) Rehearsing and Performing African Choral Music: Movement and authenticity
David Edmonds (NM) Bringing Music Literacy into Focus
Daniel Farris (OK) Two Birds with One Stone: Building ears and larynges
Melissa Grady (KS) St. Olaf Sway: Organic singer movement in choral performance
Christopher Harris and Jeffrey Murdock (AR) The Black Composer: More than spirituals, gospel, and jazz
Elise Hepworth (MO) Looking to the Future: Building a culture of community
Lynn Herbel (OK) Was Blind but Now I See: How engaging special needs students opened my singers’ eyes . . . and hearts
Craig Jessop (UT) TBA
Lorissa Mason (AR) How We Learn: Engaging every singer
Craig McCauley (KS) They ALL Read and They LOVE It: A systematic approach to music literacy
Claire Minnis (IL) Leveraging Music Privilege for Community Impact: Justice choir in the street, church, classroom, and concert hall
Andrew Morgan (AR) Engaging your community through commissioned music
Jeffrey Murdock (AR) Beyond the Gospel Truth: Moving toward acceptable performance practice of gospel music and spirituals (and knowing the difference)
Joshua Nannestad and Joanna Hawkins-Nannestad (OK) Lift Every Voice and Sing: Strategies for radical inclusion in church singing
Ryan Olsen (KS) Singing Through the Transition: the adolescent and transgender voice change
Andrea Ramsey (MO) and Tom Shelton (NJ) Considering the Commission: Interesting and intriguing ideas
Beth Richey-Sullivan (KS) When You’re Not Their First Love: Taking over a music program
Troy Robertson and Stephanie Robertson (TX) Remember You: Finding a balance in a life devoted to music
Susan Shirel (AR) Choir Directors as Voice Teachers: Promoting healthy singing in a group setting
Jason Sickel (KS) High School Choral Warm-ups: From process to product
Anthony Silvestri (KS) The Lyricist’s Guide to Performing Choral Music
John Wayman (TX) The Urban Tenor-Bass choir: Selecting music that makes a difference
Tom Wine (KS) Create an environment of trust through vulnerability
John Yarrington (TX) Less is More: Refining your conducting gestures for maximum musical result
Adam Zrust (MO) “Do the Hustle!”: Using concurrent instruction to expedite student learning and make rehearsals engaging, motivating, and more efficient
SWACDA 2022: Conference Schedule
10-11am SWACDA Pre-Conference Meeting [Marriott Riverview]
11am-12pm SWACDA Board Meeting [Marriott Riverview]
1-5pm Immersion Days
College, University, and New Teacher [Marriott Salon C]
Vocal Jazz with Kerry Marsh (Reading Session Included) [Marriott Salon A]
3-6pm Conference Registration [Marriott 2nd Floor Lobby]
4-6pm Graded Honor Choirs Registration [DoubleTree and Statehouse Convention Center]
6-7pm Collegiate Honor Choir Registration [Marriott Salon A]
7pm Graded Honor Choirs and Collegiate Honor Choirs begin rehearsals
7-10pm President’s Concert (Invited Choirs) [Robinson Center]
Young Voices of Colorado – Jena Dickey and Tyson Repke
mirabai – Sandra Snow
7-7:45am Yoga for Singers with Heather McCornack [Marriott Riverview]
7:30am-5:30pm Conference Registration [Marriott 2nd Floor Lobby]
8:30-9:20am Interest Sessions
Engaging with Communities through Commissioned Music – Andrew Morgan [Marriott Harris Brake]
Leveraging Musical Privilege for Community Impact: Justice Choir in the street, church, classroom, and concert hall – Claire Minnis [Marriott Arkansas]
Remember you: Finding a balance in a life devoted to music – Troy and Stephanie Robertson [Marriott Conway]
The Lyricist’s Guide to Performing Choral Music – Tony Silvestri [Robinson Porter Hamilton]
8:30-9:20am Reading Session: Accessible [Marriott Salon A]
8:30-10am Undergraduate Conducting Masterclass [Marriott Salon C]
9am Graded Honor Choir and Church Honor Choir Rehearsals Begin
9:30am Collegiate Honor Choir Rehearsals Begin
10am-12pm Graduate Conducting Competition Semi-Finals [Marriott Salon C]
10am-12pm Concert Session [Robinson Center]
Garcia Middle School Varsity Women – Kelsey Appleby
Permian High School Cantus – Ken Sieloff
Grand Prairie Fine Arts Academy Singers – Joel Duarte
University of Arkansas Schola Cantorum – Stephen Caldwell
12-5pm Exhibits [Marriott 2nd Floor Lobby]
12:30-1:20pm Interest Sessions
Seeing 20/20: Repertoire Choice Matters! – Ryan Beeken [Marriott Harris Brake]
Looking to the Future: Building a Culture of Community – Elise Hepworth [Marriott Conway]
Singing Through the Transition: The adolescent and transgender voice changes – Ryan Olsen [Marriott Arkansas]
The Black Composer: More than Spirituals, Gospel, and Jazz – Christopher Harris [Marriott Salon C]
12:30-1:20pm Reading Sessions
Advanced [Robinson Porter Hamilton]
Boychoir and Children’s [Marriott Salon A]
1:30-2:20pm Conference Choir Rehearsals (all membership are singing)
3-4:30pm Concert Session [Robinson Center]
Kansas City Kansas Community College The Standard Vocal Jazz Ensemble – John Stafford
Arvada West High School Company West – Chris Maunu
Sam Houston State University Chorale – Joshua Bronfman
4:30-5:30pm Conference Choir Rehearsals [Robinson Center]
5:30-7pm All Conference BBQ [River Market Pavillion]
7:30-9:30pm Concert Session [Robinson Center]
Conference Choirs
Brock Commission Performance: Harding University Chorus – Cliff Ganus
(Invited Choirs) Prairie View A&M University and University of Missouri – A. Jan Taylor and Paul Crabb
And They Lynched Him On A Tree
William Grant Still, composer (1895-1978)
Katherine Biddle, poet (1890-1977)
7:30-8:30am SWACDA Past Presidents Breakfast [Marriott Riverview]
8:30-9:20am Interest Sessions
High School Choral Warm-ups: from process to product – Jason Sickel [Marriott Salon A]
Lift Every Voice and Sing? Strategies for Radical Inclusion in Church Singing – Joshua Nannestad and Joanna Nannestad [Marriott Harris Brake]
St. Olaf Sway: Organic Singer Movement in Choral Performance – Melissa Grady [Marriott Arkansas]
The Urban Tenor/Bass Choir: Selecting Music that Makes a Difference! – John Wayman [Marriott Salon C]
8:30-9:20am Reading Session: Multicultural [Robinson Porter Hamilton]
9am Graded Honor Choirs and Church Honor Choir Rehearsals Begin
9am-4:30pm Exhibits [Marriott 2nd Floor Lobby]
10am Collegiate Honor Choir Rehearsals Begin [Marriott Salon A]
10am Little Rock High Schools Honor Choir Rehearsals Begin [First United Methodist Church]
10-11:30am Graduate Conducting Competition Finals [Marriott Salon C]
10am-12pm Concert Session [Robinson Center]
Ft. Worth Academy of Fine Arts Children’s Choir of Texas – Jackson Hill
Liberty High School Combined Men’s Choir – Rika Heruth
Cantare – Amy Solberg
University of Denver Lamont Chorale – Catherine Sailer
12:30-1:20pm Interest Sessions
Considering the Commission: Interesting & Intriguing Ideas – Andrea Ramsey and Tom Shelton [Marriott Arkansas]
Create an environment of trust through vulnerability – Tom Wine [Marriott Conway]
Everyone’s Song: Gender-Inclusive Choral Programs – Dustin Cates [Marriott White Oak]
The Life and Choral Works of Little Rock native, Florence B. Price – Stephen Caldwell [Marriott Harris Brake]
Two Birds with One Stone: Building Ears and Larynges – Daniel Farris [Marriott Salon C]
12:30-1:20pm Reading Session: Moderate [Marriott Salon A]
1:30-2:20pm Interest Sessions
“Do the hustle(!)”: Using concurrent instruction to expedite student learning and make rehearsals engaging, motivating, and more efficient – Adam Zrust [Marriott Conway]
Less is More: Refining Your Conducting Gestures for Maximum Musical Result – John Yarrington [Marriott Salon C]
Was Blind But Now I See: How engaging special needs students opened my singers’ eyes … and hearts – Lynn Herbel [Marriott Harris Brake]
Rehearsing and Performing African Choral Music: Movement and Authenticity – Carolyn Cruse and Andrew Kagumba [Marriott White Oak]
1:30-2:20pm Reading Session: SSAA/TTBB [Marriott Arkansas]
3:45-5:45pm Concert Session [Robinson Center]
Clements High School Chorale Women – Janet Menzie and Ryan Bogner
Texas Christian University Concert Chorale – Christopher Aspaas
Church Honor Choir and Music in Worship – Craig Jessop
7:15-9:15pm Concert Session (Invited Choirs) [Central High School]
Pambo Afrika Chorus – Geoffrey Mukoto
Little Rock High Schools Honor Choir – William Powell
University of Arkansas Inspirational Chorale – Jeffrey Murdock
10-11:30pm All Conference Celebration [Marriott Riverview]
9:30-10:30pm College and University Fun Night [River Market Loft]
8-8:50am Interest Sessions
Beyond the Gospel Truth: Moving Toward Acceptable Performance Practice of Gospel Music and Spirituals (and how to know the difference) – Jeffrey Murdock [Marriott Salon C]
Choir Directors as Voice Teachers: Promoting Healthy Singing Habits in a Group Setting – Susan Shirel [Marriott Harris Brake]
How We Learn: Engaging Every Singer – Lorissa Mason [Marriott Arkansas]
They ALL Read and They LOVE It: A systematic approach to music literacy – Craig McCauley [Marriott Conway]
8-8:50am Reading Sessions
College, University, Community [Robinson Porter Hamilton]
Music in Worship with Craig Jessop [Marriott Salon A]
9-9:50am Interest Sessions
Between the Beats: Are you really showing what you want? – Jonathan Babcock [Marriott Harris Brake]
Bringing Music Literacy Into Focus – David Edmonds [Marriott Salon C]
Make A Joyful Noise Unto the Lord! – Celebrating the Joys of Church Choirs – Craig Jessop [Marriott Arkansas]
When You’re Not Their First Love – Taking Over a Music Program – Beth Richey-Sullivan [Marriott Conway]
9:15am Graded Honor Choir Rehearsals Begin
10:30am-12:30pm Concert Session [Robinson Center]
Plano East High School Concert Choir – Daniel Knight
Stephen F. Austin State University Women’s Choir – Tod Fish
Oklahoma City University The University Singers – Tony Gonzalez
Collegiate Honor Choir – Joshua Oppenheim
2-4:30pm Graded Honor Choirs Concert Session
5-7 Treble Honor Choir – Anthony Trecek-King
7-10 TB Honor Choir – Gary Packwood
8-10 Treble Honor Choir – Deanna Joseph
11-12 Mixed Honor Choir – Eugene Rogers
Graded Honor Choirs Finale

Julie Yu, President 2018-2020